Former Belfry standout basketball player Jeremy Steele graduated in 1998 from Belfry High School. Since graduating Steele has impacted many lives in the Belfry/Williamson area. Nowadays, Steele is fighting a tough battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis otherwise known as (ALS). In the most recent Pike County Fiscal Court meeting, Judge Executive Ray Jones brought up the motion to name the Rogers Park Basketball Court to Jeremy Steele Court, and it passed unanimously.
Steele played under former Belfry Coach Raymond Justice in the late 90s where he eventually helped lead the Belfry Pirates to a Region Championship against a dominant Paintsville Tiger team that was led by JR VanHoose and Todd Tacket. Steele was nicknamed the “Rainman” during his High School days because of his ability to shoot the three ball.

I caught up with D&D Sports Network co-owner Darryl McCoy, and he had this to say about the court’s new name.
“Jeremy is a playground legend in the Pond Creek area,” said McCoy. “If there was a pickup game played in the 90s up to about 2016, you can guarantee Jeremy Steele was playing in it. In our High School days we would rush to Rogers Park every day after school to hoop. Then when it got dark, we would go to the old Chatteroy gym in Mingo County and shoot into the late hours of the morning. Jeremy lived and breathed the game of basketball, he is one of the truly great basketball minds.
“Jeremy is a genuine person,” McCoy went on to say. “He has a heart of gold and would help anyone in need. My fondest memories of my younger days all involved Jeremy. Jeremy, Mark “Boobie” Maynard and myself used to enter 3-on-3 tournaments all across the Mountains ,and I was always thankful he always picked me because more times then not, you were winning with Jeremy on your team. Jeremy would laugh and say, ‘Nobody sets screens like you, and I like to shoot. So, we are a good duo.’ Still to this day he is the best shooter I ever played with or watched play from the Pond Creek area. Jeremy is also the most fierce competitor I have ever played with. He hated to lose. Jeremy would be a superstar in today’s game with his ability to shoot the rock and his long frame. He played in a day where players his height were stuck under the goal, but he was such an outstanding shooter that he got to play on the wing. Jeremy is an avid UK, Michael Jordan and hunting fan. His family has always been beloved members in the Belfry community, including his sister Tina Steele-Todd, who is a long time business owner in the area.”

McCoy added that he feels naming the court after Steele is a fitting tribute to his legacy.
“This is the best way to ever honor Jeremy. He spent most of his childhood on that court and basketball has always been his life. 30-50 year old hoop fans don’t mention basketball in the Mingo/Pike County area without telling a story about Jeremy Steele. I guarantee this news has made his day. I want to thank everyone that made this happen. It’s very fitting.”
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